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All the recent stuff posted on the links board that you've voted as good which b3tans created:

This is a link post Is Half Life still worth playing? I made this!
Well is it?
(, Wed 29 May 2024, 20:14, , More)
This is a link post Are you ready for a general election ... in July? I made this!
(sound taken from BBC news vox pop interviews). also, hello

(, Mon 27 May 2024, 7:05, , More)
This is a link post ross kemp'd I made this!
just been going through an old folder of crap and found this thing I made years back. decided to pop it on old YouTube because why the hell not
(, Wed 22 May 2024, 20:28, , More)
This is a link post Bela Lugosi mix I made this!
- cause it's my b3taday!
(, Wed 22 May 2024, 18:54, , More)
This is a link post do you pickles? do you like to wiggle? I made this!

(, Thu 16 May 2024, 11:58, , More)
This is a link post DRASS - you bet I made this!
been playing around with AI generated vocals - here's one of the results.
(, Mon 13 May 2024, 11:41, , More)
This is a link post The Shit Shit Game I made this!
Following through from last week's b3ta newsletter, where Rob contemplates "some kind of wiping arse game", I bring you: The Shit Shit Game.

Nothing more than a lavatorial number-guessing game, simply guess the number of sheets of cheap and nasty toilet paper you need to wipe your arse clean. Guess too little? Walk around with a shit stain in your trousers. Guess too much? Whince as your sphincter glows a firey red.

Mildly NSFW due to faux pixel shittiness and toilet-related noises.
(, Thu 9 May 2024, 12:07, , More)
This is a link post The Dome. A slightly less super-crap sequel to Tappy Tap Tap maybe? I made this!
This time with another banging soundtrack but also; Actual graphics! The audio should give you all the rules you need to know.

Cheaters welcome I suppose.

I was aiming for a string of mini games but am struggling for ideas now. I might aim for a trio at best.
(, Thu 9 May 2024, 8:27, , More)
This is a link post Showdown - rock, paper, scissors (or scissors, paper, stone to you lot) against a markov chain in a sombrero I made this!
Newbie here taking advantage of new status - I learned about you lot because something I did before ended up in your newsletter ( www.luduxia.com/whichwayround/ ) and thought you might have some curious opinions about this one.

(, Wed 8 May 2024, 0:06, , More)
This is a link post VSMR: Color cube rotates, drifts inside, better on desktop. I made this!
Simple: x, y, z cube of red, green, blue. Parameterized to 100 in each dimension. Down, down, one heartbeat per minute down, chill out graphical art. Screengaze if you will.
(, Thu 2 May 2024, 22:02, , More)
This is a link post Should you play Theme Hospital in 2024? I made this!
My 4th video in my restrospective look at some classic games - how am i doing? Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can improve things?
(, Mon 29 Apr 2024, 19:55, , More)
This is a link post Super crap game. Cheaters welcome I made this!
(Update 3/5/24: I have sanitised the score board and implemented some Ricochet level anti-cheat measures. Pretty much impenetrable now?)

How many fingers/toes can you utilise? Simple game called Tappy Tap Tap with AAA graphics and banging sound track.

Finally got some time to have a crack at making a game. I imagine Rockstar started with a similarly small project.
(, Tue 30 Apr 2024, 7:55, , More)
This is a link post A medley of "arse" songs I made this!
Since I was a baby, I have imagined songs with the lyrics "heart" or "eyes" changed to "arse". And now I'm in my forties, it still amuses me greatly. So, for my childish amusement, I put this together.

There's plenty more songs where this works - for example Moby's "Why Does My Arse Feel So Bad" - so if this isn't downvoted off the internet I might make a second video.

(, Mon 29 Apr 2024, 9:29, , More)
This is a link post Underworld - Born Rishi I made this!
Not my best work and it's probably a bit preachy, but if you are ok with spending 46 seconds of your life watching Rishi Sunak doing his own version of Born Slippy, here it is.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2024, 10:31, , More)
This is a link post As The Crow Flies 🪟🐦‍⬛ I made this!
I've extracted one of the games from arcc so that anyone can play it, it's basically a 3D Flappy Bird that actually works thanks to everything being transparent
(, Wed 24 Apr 2024, 10:25, , More)
This is a link post I signed up to the AI song program Suno for one month NSFW I made this!
They blocked all my attempted songs for using the word "Dick"

I replied to it in song format
(, Tue 23 Apr 2024, 3:44, , More)
This is a link post Suella Braverman's Nat-C speech remix I made this!
Braverman talks impotence while giving Kier Starmer her full support.
(, Wed 17 Apr 2024, 12:05, , More)
This is a link post Bad Dinosaurs episode 2 - full episode I made this!
Hellooooo! Netflix have put up the full episode 2 of Bad Dinosaurs on youtube if you fancy having a gander
(, Tue 16 Apr 2024, 13:09, , More)
This is a link post Again Mrs Wizard does the artings! I made this!
It's a long one, cause it was a complicated pic - but you have to timelapse all creation these days to avoid being accused of AI-ing like a chump.
She makes all her own brushes you know.
(, Fri 12 Apr 2024, 17:29, , More)
This is a link post Centuries of Sound - 1947 Part Two - Boptamism! I made this!

Think you mostly know what this is by this point. If not, a three-hour immersive mix of original sounds from 1947, an exciting year between the end of WWII and the start of The Cold War when everything seemed briefly possible, featuring heaps of HOT R&B, Be-bop and, yes, more.

First hour is a preview podcast only (something I have to phase out when I get to the 50s) - full three hours is streamable via Mixcloud link or available to Patreons.
(, Thu 11 Apr 2024, 10:52, , More)

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